21 Nov 2014

Enjoying the November darkness

Vaasa, Finland in November
According to nearly all the Finns I know, November is the least enjoyed month of the year.  All the daylight we once had has now virtually gone, yet it is still too warm for snow to really settle and reflect what little light remains.  

With the Finns, it is always during November that you really notice that the very last remnants of summer joy and happiness have finally been smothered under a national wet blanket of gloom and depression.  

By the end of November, even the clothes worn by the public are almost always jet black, in harmony, I suppose, with the sadness of the surroundings and the general mood of the nation.

Here, in Finland, it has been said that November is the one time of the year when everyone becomes either a sociopath or a psychopath; the sociopaths ignore you when you say hello, while  the psychopaths are the ones doing all the talking.

Nevertheless, I can admit to quite liking November despite the bad reputation it has over here. I suppose this may have a lot to do with the fact that a Finnish November is just like the typical British winters I grew up with. I find that November is a wonderful time for relaxation before the Christmas mayhem begins, and what’s more, since nobody is expected to actually do anything in November, anything that gets done is always a bonus.  

A Finnish winter wheel
Here in Finland it is important to remember that November is the time of year when black ice and snow can appear at any time. As such the one thing that actually needs to be done in November is to change the wheels on cars. Most car owners will have  put winter wheels on their vehicles by now, which are actually studded tyres, even though the law says they are not needed before December 1st. You always know that winter is fast approaching by the distinct flamenco-like takka-takka sound those metal studs make on the asphalt. 

And so with Advent just around the corner, and the explosion of Christmas lights that will come with it, let me wish you all a gloomy November Friday, on what will undoubtedly be the final dark and dismal weekend of the year.

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