4 Oct 2014

Day 5: Land Ahoy!

Day 5: Land ahoy
A Sergeant Pepper moment.
There are few places in the world where you can really imagine a meeting between the north and the south.  Sailing through the Straits of Gibraltar, with the lights of Africa to starboard and the Rock of Gibraltar to port, happens to be one of them.  Last night, while this north south juxtaposition came into sharp focus, my mother and I were actually enjoying a wonderful Asian meal in one of the ship’s restaurant called, believe it or not, East meets West. This rather bazaar unplanned coincidence set the tone for a rather surreal evening. After our meal we went to what was billed as a Beatles concert in the Britannia Lounge on Deck 8. I imagined it would be a rather tame affair in view of the average age of those on board. However, with the benefit of hindsight I have come to realize that the passengers on the Saga Sapphire cruise ship are actually children of the 60’s. I need to check more carefully what they put into those free drinks!


A pool in the Alcazaba

Our ship awaits.
Anyway, the next morning we arrived at our first port of call, Almeria. This Spanish town gets over 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, apparently, and has the greatest number of cloudless days in the whole country. Today was one of them. It was wonderful to finally be let loose on shore and to see a few badly dressed people and dare I say it…children. In the midst of all the happy mayhem of this sleepy Spanish town, we enjoyed a nice sunny walk around the town’s splendid Moorish fortress known as the Alcazaba. How can you not fall in love with a place that has a name like that?  This Arab fortress was built by the Caliph of Cordoba, Abderramán III in the 10th century and has three huge walled enclosures.
But all too soon, it was time to be press ganged back on board the Saga Sapphire for cocktails as the tugboats pulled us gently out to sea.

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